We're a little bit behind on posts, so we thought we would provide a quick update on what we've been up to. Andrew had his 1 month check-up on 1/28 and is doing well. He weighed in at 9 pounds and was 21.5 inches long. He is in the 25th percentile for weight, 50th for height and 10th for head size. He's long and lean - he'll probably be a runner like his dad.
Andrew has also hung out with a few friends over the past few weeks. Meredith and Jennifer stopped by to meet him and Alise and I have been trying to get together regularly with our boys.
Jason has had to travel for work over the past few weeks, so it's just been me and my little man. It's been good bonding time, but Drew is very excited to see his daddy when he comes home. His daddy got him geared up for the Super Bowl (even though his favorite team, the Packers, wasn't playing). He was ready to go with the remote, a bottle and chips on the couch.
We're looking forward to our visit to Atlanta next week where we will get to meet some of Grandma and Pop Gibbons' friends. He will be spoiled with attention for sure!
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