We celebrated Andrew's Baptism this weekend with the main event held at St. Matthew's yesterday. Grandma and Pop Gibbons, Grandma and Grandpa Martin, Aunt Katie, Aunt Melissa and Uncle Shawn, Great Aunt Ellen and Uncle Doug, and "Uncle" Steve and "Aunt" Lindsey were all here to participate in the festivities. The weekend started with a cook out on Saturday. The weather was dreary so we didn't get to test out the fire pit on the patio, but we still enjoyed hanging out with our family and friends and ate way too much food. A pre-Baptism brunch followed on Sunday morning, which also involved lots of yummy food (are you noticing a theme?).
The Baptism itself was very nice. Andrew wore a cute white jumper from Aunt Katie and Aunt Ellen (my godmother) and didn't cry at all - even as lukewarm water was poured over his head. None of the 8 babies that were baptized made a peep during a ceremony - the priest was shocked that everyone was on such good behavior.
Thanks to all of our family and friends that were here to help us celebrate! More pictures will be posted to our Picasa album shortly (click