Sunday, April 26, 2009

Andrew is 4 Months Old!

Today marks Andrew's 4 month birthday - we can't believe how much he has changed / grown! The pictures above show him at 4 days old versus 4 months old (for the complete progression, check out the Watch Andrew Grow section of the blog).  We go to the pediatrician tomorrow for his official weigh in / height check.  He's definitely proven to be a good eater and has the belly and cheeks to prove it!  His extra chubs haven't slowed him down - he rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first (and second) time this week.  It was hilarious to watch because he had this stunned look on his face when he ended up on his back and was just happy to be relieved of tummy time.  

We continue to love every minute with Andrew.  Check out a few additional pictures from today in the radom April album (click here).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April Pictures Update

Just a quick update on the family...we have been very lucky to have grandparents serve as nannies over the past three weeks.  Andrew has really grown to love the time with his grandparents and he was sad to see them go.  

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mr. Giggles

Andrew has been laughing on occasion for a few weeks now, but we haven't been able to catch him on camera until this week.  He laughs most often while getting his diaper changed and I'm sure he will appreciate that I'm not taking video at those times when he's a teenager.  I was finally able to keep him laughing this week while Grandma got it on video.  Check out the video - he laughed so hard he got the hiccups!