Andrew Joseph Martin turned 6 months old yesterday. We can hardly believe it - the time has gone by so quickly - I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital. However, when I look at the pictures from back then, I realize how much he's changed and how big he's gotten. His official 6 months stats at the doctor yesterday were as follow:
Height - 26.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight - 17 pounds 7 ounces (50th percentile)
His latest tricks include rolling from point to point (I'm afraid that he's just going to roll around the house as opposed to crawling), sleeping on his side, sitting and playing with toys with less support and eating some solids without too much of a mess (relatively speaking).
We continue to be completely in love and in awe of everything he does. Check out his 6 month photos under the Watch Andrew Grow link.
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