I can't believe my baby is already 10 months old. I know that people say all the time that they can't believe how fast time flies by, but I just can't believe that it's been 10 months since Andrew was born. He has changed so much and continues to bring me so much joy.
In terms of what he's been up to, you name it - he's getting into it.
* He pulls up to stand on everything - dressers, open dishwashers, cabinets, walls, his crib, my legs, etc.
* He started crawling on his knees (vs. army crawling) on his official 10 month birthday
* He can walk around when holding on to pieces of furniture
* He's been saying dada and mama for awhile, but he doesn't differentiate between the two (the mamama comes out more when he's tired or sick and the dadada comes out when he's excited)
* He made his first trip to the dentist earlier this month (8 teeth in, 3 on the way)
* His favorite toys right now are anything that makes noise
* He has started 'dancing' to his toddler tunes (more like a head bop and wiggle while sitting on his tush)
We are in the process of fixing up his playroom so that he will have more space to roam and burn off some energy. We'll post pictures of the finished product soon. In the meantime, here is a link to a few shots from his 10 month photo shoot - there weren't too many good shots this month since he was a bit cranky from 4 hours in the car.
1 comment:
What a cutie! It is amazing how fast time flies by! congrats to Andrew for crawling on all fours! That's awesome! He's going to be REALLY FAST now!
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