* We have successfully said goodbye to the pacifier...granted, this was not by choice...a fall while running in the kitchen that almost knocked his two front teeth out meant no more 'ba' and no more sippy cups. (The verdict on whether or not he'll be able to keep his front two teeth is still out.)
* Andrew loves playing outside and especially loves playing in the pool or anything water related. You'll see some pictures of Andrew enjoying his first swim lessons at the Y in our latest photo album. He also likes to see the big kids swim at our neighborhood swim meets.
* Andrew continues to say new words - we are working on 'Grant' as of late since the most exciting news of the summer has been the recent arrival of Andrew's adorable and first cousin - Grant Charles Theesfeld.
* We are lucky to be able to see Andrew's grandparents almost once a month. He gets so excited when he seems them (and vice versa!) and they are always a big help when they are around.
* Andrew is slowly starting to expand his menu (he's a super picky eater) with his recent favorites being strawberries and turkey burgers.
* We are gearing up for the 4th of July weekend and Andrew has been practicing the Pledge of Allegiance - he puts his hand over his heart when he sees his American flag book.
Here is a link to some recent pictures. Also, check out the Watch Andrew Grow page for his 18th month pictures.
Happy 18 Months!!!!
great pics in all the recent albums! wish we could get our boys together to play - they would have so much fun.
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